According to data from the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN), every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Sexual abuse occurs far too often, and when it does, the victims are unfortunately not likely to report it to anyone or seek help after their assault. They might be in denial or feel shame, or if they do speak up, the person they tell doesn’t believe them.
Our Morgantown team of sexual abuse lawyers believes and listens to every abuse victim and takes every case seriously. We fight for all victims of any kind of sexual abuse, no matter when or where the abuse occurred, and our lawyers stand with victims throughout the entire legal process. We understand not only the physical strain that any kind of legal matter can bring upon a victim but also the emotional and traumatic aspects of sexual abuse victims and their cases.
If you or someone you know has suffered sexual abuse and are ready to take legal action against your abuser, remember that the abuse you suffered is not your fault. We know you may be afraid, but at Forbes Law Offices, we’re here to navigate your case with understanding, compassion, and extensive legal knowledge to fight with you and for you.
Sexual violence is a term that covers any situation where the victim does not or cannot give consent. Any type of sexual violence can warrant a sexual abuse claim and can include the following:
Here at Forbes Law Offices, we not only seriously and sensitively handle any sexual abuse claims in Morgantown, but we also specialize in cases anywhere in West Virginia. We’ll take care of all the details of your case so that you can move forward more easily, and one of the many ways our team does this is by filing your case in a timely manner.
The statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims in West Virginia varies depending on the age of the victim at the time the abuse occurred.
If you or someone you know suffered sexual abuse at any time, please reach out to our office today for a completely free and confidential consultation. We believe you, and we’re here to fight for you.
Although sexual abuse can unfortunately be caused by anyone, certain factors have been shown to contribute to these attacks. Not everyone who is identified as at risk becomes a perpetrator of violence, but understanding a combination of individual, relationship, community, and societal factors can help prevent continued abuse.
While all of these factors don’t apply to every abuser, they are important to acknowledge. Remember, if you have suffered sexual abuse, it is not your fault; you are not alone, and we believe you. Reaching out to legal counsel is one of the best steps you can take to get justice against your abuser and prevent them from harming anyone else.
Even if you personally aren’t a victim of sexual assault, you probably know someone who is, and you can take steps to help them. It is important to be an advocate for sexual abuse victims as most of them will neither report the abuse to anyone nor seek any type of help after the fact.
According to a 2022 report from the U.S. Office of Justice Programs (OJP), an estimated 318,920 people aged 12 or older were victims of rape or sexual assault. Of those victims, 21.4% reported it to the police, and only 9% of the victims of all violent victimizations (including robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault) received assistance from any kind of victim service provider (VSP).
Signs of sexual abuse can vary depending on the age of the victim and the type of abuse they’ve suffered, and it’s important to note that not all victims will have any clear signs of abuse. While the following signs do not guarantee that sexual abuse has taken place, they can indicate that something is wrong:
If you know someone who has these signs and you suspect they are being sexually abused, talk to them. They will likely deny the abuse at first, but make an effort to continue to provide them with a safe place to speak about what they’ve been through.
When they do tell you about their abuse, you can discuss reaching out to the police, remove them from their current situation if they are still in immediate danger of continual abuse, seek medical and professional care such as with a therapist, and begin legal action by contacting our team at Forbes Law Offices.
No one deserves to suffer from sexual abuse or fight against their abuser alone. We understand the importance for abuse survivors to work with lawyers who have experience handling these types of cases, and with 75 years of combined legal experience, our attorneys are sensitive to the trauma that you’ve faced.
Our team handles cases in Morgantown and the rest of West Virginia and is your biggest advocate during the legal process. Call our office today or contact us online for your free and completely confidential consultation. You don’t need to be afraid. Forbes Law Offices is on your side and will get you the justice you deserve.
Call us or fill out the form below to tell us about your potential case and a
personal injury lawyer will get back to you as quickly as possible.