Forbes Law Offices believes that every allegation of sexual abuse or assault should be taken seriously. Every survivor deserves to have their story heard and believed. And when it’s time to seek justice, having a Charleston sexual abuse lawyer by your side will help ensure that your rights are protected and upheld throughout the entire legal process.
We know that matters of sexual harm, abuse, rape, or molestation are emotionally charged topics. That’s why our West Virginia law firm offers completely confidential case evaluations at no cost. If you’re ready to talk, we’re here to listen. Get in touch today to schedule your first free meeting with an attorney in our office.
When certain factors are present in a person’s life, it can put them at an increased risk for abuse or exploitation. Having one of the following risk factors does not mean that a person will automatically become a victim of abuse, and not having any of them doesn’t mean that someone can never be abused.
The only thing that these risk factors can tell us is who may be at an elevated risk for molestation or abuse. If you are a parent, guardian, or caretaker, we strongly encourage you to listen and believe those in your care if they report being abused, even if they don’t have a single risk factor.
Possible risk factors for sexual abuse, exploitation, rape, and molestation include:
While certain risk factors (such as disabilities or having divorced parents) can’t be changed, there are steps you can take to protect any children or adults in your care from potentially being sexually abused. For example, removing access to alcohol or drugs from the home or closely monitoring internet usage can significantly improve safety.
It doesn’t matter if you had every risk factor or none at all. If a sexual abuser targeted you as a child or an adult, you have the right to hold them legally accountable and to recover financial damages.
Here at Forbes Law Offices, you can count on the Charleston sex abuse attorney you hire to advocate for you every step of the way. Schedule your completely free and confidential case consultation today to learn about how we can help.
Unfortunately, even what’s presumed to be the safest place can become a haven for sexual abuse. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), at least 55% of instances of sexual abuse, rape, or molestation occur in a person’s home. However, there are other places where these unwanted sexual acts may occur, including:
The above list is not exhaustive. No matter where the incident occurs, you have the right to take legal action and hold responsible individuals and those who protected them accountable for their actions. If you’ve been mistreated, reach out to us at Forbes Law Offices to see how our sex abuse lawyers in Charleston can protect your rights and fight for justice on your behalf.
Even a single act of forced, coerced, or unwanted sexual abuse can have a lifelong and life-altering impact on victims’ lives. These instances can cause affected individuals to experience:
For many sexual abuse survivors, therapy can be an invaluable tool in the journey to healing. However, the cost of mental health services is out of reach for many. According to Mental Health America (MHA), almost 64% of adults went uninsured because they could not afford health insurance in 2022.
The cost of mental health care is just one example of the financial losses that a sexual abuse lawsuit can compensate you for. To learn more about how financial recovery via a sex abuse claim can help support the healing process, contact Forbes Law Offices for a completely free and confidential case evaluation.
It takes bravery to seek justice after suffering sexual abuse. And the good news is that seeking justice is not something that you have to do alone. At Forbes Law Offices, we proudly fight on behalf of those who have been wrongfully harmed by others.
With more than 75 years of combined legal experience, we’ll ensure that you receive the absolute best legal representation if you decide to sue your abuser in civil court.
If you or a loved one were the victims of a sexual predator, you have the legal right to file a civil lawsuit—even if the abuser was never arrested or didn’t face any criminal charges.
Compensation recovered through this legal avenue can be used to address medical bills, therapy costs, psychological trauma, emotional distress, and other related damages.
In many cases, we pursue damages against more than just a single abuser. Our sex abuse attorneys also have the expertise needed to hold negligent institutions accountable for allowing abuse to occur, including churches, daycares, schools, residential care facilities, hospitals, youth centers, and more.
At Forbes Law Offices, you can rely on us to:
And if your case does go to trial, you can rely on us to provide steadfast, compassionate, and aggressive legal representation for you in the courtroom.
With all civil claims, there is a time limit that applies to when you can take legal action. This is called the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims in West Virginia is as follows:
The concept of discovery is very important for extending the statute of limitations in sexual abuse cases. It is not uncommon for both children and adults to repress memories of abuse as a way to protect themselves and their emotional stability. When these memories later come to light or an adult realizes that what happened to them as a child was abuse, victims deserve the opportunity to take legal action—even if the typical statute of limitations has already passed.
It is important to work closely with a knowledgeable Charleston sex abuse attorney to avoid missing any important filing deadlines.
And if you believe that the discovery rule applies to your case, a lawyer will play a crucial role in your right to take legal action. Proving that you did not discover the sexual abuse until after the initial statute of limitations had already passed can be exceptionally difficult without the right proof and evidence. At Forbes Law Offices, we have also forged strong relationships with outside professionals who are experienced in providing expert witness testimony in cases like these.
Our team of lawyers represents sexual abuse victims in Charleston and elsewhere in West Virginia. We know how important it is for victims to work with attorneys who have years of experience handling these types of cases. You need powerful legal representation that is also sensitive to the trauma that you’ve faced.
If you’re ready to take the first step toward justice, we’re here to provide guidance. Get in touch with us today by phone or through our online contact form, and we’ll schedule you for a completely free, confidential, and obligation-free case consultation with a caring and compassionate Charleston sexual abuse lawyer.
Call us or fill out the form below to tell us about your potential case and a
personal injury lawyer will get back to you as quickly as possible.