Category: Car Accidents

How Long Does an Accident Stay on Your Car Insurance Record?

As we go through life, we are followed by records, starting with our report cards in school. You generate financial records when you go to work and begin to pay taxes. Those records also include your credit history. Of course, once you start driving, you create a whole new set of records that include any […]

The Top 5 Steps To Take After a Car Accident

No one wants to deal with the aftermath of a car accident. However, once someone crashes into your vehicle, you need to take immediate action. Not only can some of these steps help save lives, but they can also protect your legal rights. From checking for injuries to contacting a personal injury lawyer, let’s examine […]

How Can I Find Out About Local Car Accidents?

You put your safety at risk anytime you travel on the road, and that’s no different here in West Virginia. Data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows that in 2021, our state saw 257 fatal crashes that resulted in 280 deaths. While this number may seem relatively small, if you account for […]

How Are Hit and Run Accidents Investigated?

After an accident, you expect the other driver to stop, provide their contact information, and wait for the police. But what happens when the individual leaves the scene of the incident? That is known as a “hit and run” accident. Unfortunately, these types of crashes leave victims without many answers. If law enforcement cannot find […]

Is Going to Urgent Care After a Car Accident a Good Idea?

It is normal to feel confused after a car accident in West Virginia. Many accident victims wonder if they should seek treatment if they have minor injuries or no apparent injuries. Whether there are visible injuries or not, it is vital to seek prompt medical care. Some internal injuries do not create immediate symptoms and […]